The Clubs Mini Leagues takes place in June each year and are for all children between the ages of 6 and 12 – see the latest event below for the applicable years of birth. We have our current event online below and all other mini leagues back as far as 2005.
Our mini leagues are opened to all children from inside AND outside the club and of ALL skill levels. They take place in Gannon Park and Robswall. The average number of footballers participating over the last few years has risen from 230 in 2011 to over 400 nowadays. Thats a lot of games over 7 x 7/9-aside pitches and 3 x 11-aside pitches!
U7/U8 matches take place on the Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
U9/U10 matches on the Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.
U11 Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.
U12/U13 Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
Saturday is the finals day and all teams play at least 2 matches. The first round of matches kick off at 10.00 am for the U7/U8’s and the U12/U13 Final taking place around 3.00pm.
Saturday is also a Family Fun Day. A well deserved selection of food and beverages will be available and all footballers will get their food voucher.
Mini Leagues 2016 for fixtures, news, teams and registration details
Mini Leagues 2015 for memories!
Historical Mini Leagues from 2005 – 2014
A few pictures from 2003, the last Mini Leagues in the Castle.